We are not bothering to lose excess weight from the body. Months after months all the tempting food is in front but you have to take your eyes off it. Even after that the desired result is not available for a long time. But some yoga exercises can easily get rid of excess fat. This exercise with 12 seats.
Anyone can do it. Men or women, healthy or poor. A maximum of three processes can be practiced on the first day. In the beginning, of course, you can not go to any difficult exercise. We have to start with some light exercises to prepare the body for 12 processes, which we can also call warm up. (Rheumatism Problem Solve)
Neck: Inhale while rotating the neck to the right and exhale when returning to the previous position. This time you have to inhale while rotating the neck to the left and exhale while straightening. After doing this three times, you have to rotate the neck in the same way as the clock hand rotates.
Hands and shoulders: Extend the arms straight in front of the chest and move the palms up and down. Then the palms of both hands should be rotated counterclockwise to the right and left.
Knee: Lean forward and keep your hands on your knees. Now keep the two knees side by side and move back and forth in a clockwise direction.
Abdomen and back: Keep the fingers of both hands in front of the chest and gently lift the hands upwards. At this time you have to breathe and slowly just stand on your toes. You have to go back to the previous position and do it a few times.
Legs and waist: Keep the two legs straight while standing and touch the big toe of the left hand with the right hand. Now touch the toe of the right hand with the left hand. This has to be done several times. Keep in mind, however, that the knees must be kept straight while doing this. At the end of the warm up, we will start the process of 12 seats in phases.